Compositions on SMP Press: https://www.sheetmusicplus.com/publishers/joshua-allen-music-sheet-music/3009059?ac=1 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/JoshuaAllenMusic/
Biography: Joshua Allen was born in Hobbs, New Mexico in 1983. He earned a Bachelor of Music Education degree from Wayland Baptist University and a Master of Music Composition degree from Texas Tech University. Mr. Allen has also completed post-graduate work in music education at Boston University. Mr. Allen is an active orchestra director in Lubbock, TX, where he teaches middle and high school string orchestra students. The composer also performs as a violist in several community orchestras in West Texas and Eastern New Mexico. Mr. Allen’s primary compositional output includes pieces for symphony orchestra, string orchestra, and small instrumental chamber works. Mr. Allen maintains active membership in ASCAP, Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Orchestra Directors Association, and Society of Composers, Inc.
Commissions: https://goo.gl/forms/qXAlumAai32RgWgI3